I truly believe the solution we provide to our customers can make a big difference to our society. Our mission is to reach out more people, educate them on how vital our feet are and prevent feet/ankle injuries that continue to debilitate Canadians every year. It is time for a solution. Talk to us for more information.
An excerpt from Statatistics Canada Survey
The most commonly injured body part among young people (aged 12 to 19) was their feet or ankles (33%). This was more than double the proportion reported by seniors (14%).
The cost to Canadian society of injuries in 2004 was estimated at $19.8 billion, which includes the direct costs of health care as well as the indirect costs related to reduced productivity due to hospitalization, disability and premature death.
Injuries in Canada: Insights from the Canadian Community Health Survey Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-624-X by Jean-Michel Billette and Teresa Janz
For more details please refer to the link below https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-624-x/2011001/article/11506-eng.htm#a3